Tuesday 18 August 2015

Target Audience

The Target Audience for Deforestation in Tasmania 

- Convince the Liberal Party
- Older generation
- To further points of view to all the governments around the world
- To help the Green's point of view

Gender isn't the real indicator. Just Australian political party's stand point.

Main Video Idea
To use sarcasm conveying Tony Abbott's point of view.

The message of the promotion
'To make all the demographic step back, realise and appeal to logic. Which will convince that the Green's will always appeal to logic and emotions that Australians are outraged'.

Deciding on Colour Schemes

(If anyone wants to comment on which branding colour palette I should use, comment below please!)


(Coolors. 2014. Coolors . [ONLINE] Available at: https://coolors.co/. [Accessed 19 August 15].)

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