Monday 12 October 2015

Promo Video Completed

The 'Auditions for Tony Abbott' promo video is up on youtube! here is the link to the video

Promo Video (Work in progress)

For my promo video, I had to brainstorm a creative original way to provide the message about deforesation in Tasmania. So, I came up with an "audition for Tony Abbott" where this shows the political message and also beats the competition between both political parties. In addition, the video contains mostly direct quotes from the dinner party for the Timber industry (, but not completely so there isn't any copyright.

The video is biased and although Tony Abbott isn't the prime minister for Australia any more, Malcolm Turnball is still reinforcing all of Tony Abbott's values, so I made it a relevant video as a message to Turnball that reinforcing former prime ministers issues are not acceptable for Australia.

I also used the following websites/ programs for my sound effects
- Garage Band

The video will be uploaded shortly today or tomorrow.

Tuesday 1 September 2015

The Photography Exercise

In this week's tutorial, we learnt about all the different shots, these were learnt below;

- Very Long Shot (VLS) Subject is quite small on screen. Used to show the subject in a location, can be used to show loneliness or isolation. Good for an establishing shot.
-  Long Shot (LS) Shows subject from head to feet. Also used to show the subject and their surroundings.
-  Medium Long Shot (MLS) Shows subject from calves up (cut off feet).
-  Mid Shot (MS) Shows subject from the waist up.
-  Medium Close Up (MCU) Shows subject from chest level up. Good for interviews/talking heads. -- -  Close Up (CU) Shows subject from shoulders up.
-  Big Close Up (BCU) Shows subject’s face from chin to forehead. Use sparingly.
-  Extreme Close Up (ECU) Shows only a part of subject’s face, eg eye, mouth. Use sparingly.

As well as learning about the thirds for the positioning of the model for the shot.

We did a class exercise that involved using these skills to understand how to take photos correctly. The photos will be uploaded next week, since they have to be edited. It was a story that we had to create through photos. Here is the outline for that;

'Lost HARRY or HARRIET arrives for his/her first day at UniSA’s Magill Campus. He/she appears very worried because he/she doesn’t know where the first lecture is being held. HARRY/HARRIET asks people for directions and then looks at a map of the campus and realises where he/she needs to go. HARRY/HARRIET hurries to the lecture theatre, but when he/she gets there the room is empty. HARRY/HARRIET has got the wrong day'

This will help my story board and planning for my video for Deforestation.

Friday 28 August 2015

Annotated Bibliography

Harle, J, Britton, K, Hejinis, H, Zawadzki A, Jenkinson, A  2002. Mud, mines and rainforest: a short history of human impact in western Tasmania, using pollen, trace metals and lead-210 . Australian Journal of Botany, [Online]. Volume 50/ Part 4, 481-482. Available at: [Accessed 27 August 2015]
The article discusses deforestation and its effects on Tasmania's climate and provides evidence that  discussed how 'the human impact on the landscape has not been well documented or understood'. They explain why few people are educated about deforestation which explains why mistakes in environmental conservation are occurring. This reference provides many details about deforestation and Tasmania and can be used as evidence for a logical point. 
The author discusses the legal acts on deforestation in Australia. They explain that the laws contradict public opinion. The source appeared to be without bias because it stated all the facts, and gave details on the situation without any apparent appeal to emotions. There was also historical background from the 1990's about the deforestation. The author provides much evidence in this article which conveys a strong argument. Therefore, this article is useful for my research due to the reliability of the source as well as background knowledge of the laws in Australia.
Milne, A, Mitchell, AL, Williams, M, Tapley, I, Kuntz, S 2012. SENSOR CAPABILITIES FOR DEFORESTATION AND FOREST DEGRADATION.Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2012 IEEE International, [Online]. 12, 3154-3157. Available at: [Accessed 26 August 2015].
This article monitors Tasmania's environment and explains the changes that appear (data was breached from 2007 to 2008). The article explored the effects of deforestation when it comes to soil degradation, whether the deforestation was due to clear-felling or selective harvest. The article also includes details about Tasmania's deforestation which will be extremely useful towards the study. The authors provide a lengthy discussion on the research.
Paul, M, Catterall C, Pollard, P, Kanowski, J, 2010. Recovery of soil properties and functions in different rainforest restoration pathways.Forest Ecology and Management, [Online]. Volume 259/ Issue 10, 2084-2086. Available at: [Accessed 27 August 2015].

This article explains the process of deforestation and how to restore the damage. The author gives a number of facts on deforestation such as how much forests are harvested every year '13 million hectares per year' (all around the world).The author's research gave details on recovering soil properties in the rainforests and reforestation that would help solve the problem. Furthermore, this research will be useful towards my topic because it details on how reforestation will assist in a number of environmental concerns beyond biodiversity.

Rasolofoson, R, Ferraro, P, Jenkins, C, Jones, J  2015. Effectiveness of Community Forest Management at reducing deforestation in Madagascar. Biological Conservation, [Online]. Volume 184, 271-272. Available at: [Accessed 26 August 2015].
In this article, multiple authors review the effects of deforestation in Madagascar. This study investigates the effectiveness of CFM (Community forest management) in conserving the environment. After analysing the results they found evidence that there was no real effect towards dis-centralizing the community in Madagascar from the forest. When they compared communities with CFM and communities without CFM, they found there was very little difference between the samples suggesting a limited impact on efforts to conserve the forest. The authors provide a strong argument, considering all the evidence that had been used for this study. This article is useful for my research topic because in included background knowledge of past investigations in the study as well as different methods that assist with conserving the environment. 

Relating the research to the lectures

The lectures for Digital Media helped with my development of research because it made me take into consideration of how much has changed with the digital world. There was many questions raised that we had to answer which strengthen my learning to look at the advertising world in a different way. The questions were;

- Why should we study technological change?
- Changes in history/social also include changes in media and media technologies
- Mapping changes in technology can help us map significant changes in society
- What is media archaeology? (didn't know it existed)

Which made me think quite a lot of what to do to make my video stand out. How do I combine classic advertising to then mix it up with an original idea? Well, throughout those lectures of learning the history behind advertising, there was so much knowledge within those lectures that now all there's left is creativity. In addition, technology is always evolving so why stop with current advertising, if a creator is innovative, they could create a whole new invention of advertising, that would be incredibly effective. There's no reason not to, considering was how people perceived how computers would look like in 2004 from 1954. To how it actually was, to how it is now. Therefore, the lectures helped my understanding with the history of technology, how much it evolves over the years and how to manipulate advertising today.

(All information was from between lectures 3-5 of Digital Media)

Thursday 27 August 2015

My Final Design Palette

This is the final design of my overall colour coordination and text for my website, logo, slogan and video. I used the font 'Myriad Pro Bold Cond Italic' because the text although shows authority, portrays also casualness. This mood is chosen for the younger audience to relate to the message but also conveys towards teenagers to feel powerful with the underlying strong text. That is why even the paragraph text is in bold. As for the palette, the colours obviously represent the forest because of most of the colours being green. To also represent that environmental the message. There are more green than cream because this represents our main aim and that is for more greenery rather than logs. Overall the design palette was designed for an emotional undertone. 

The Treatment

Log line
Many young adult Australians using Tony Abbott’s words and saying it with such command however it is a complete satire.


5 young Australians and a child say a couple of sentences from the perspective of Tony Abbott about the Deforestation in Tasmania. Explaining Tony Abbott's point of view with such integrity but obviously with the feeling of satire because of the dialogue. In addition, the young adults convey that Abbott's perspective is childish and appeals to the point of view is illogical.

The outcome will be the audience will feel foolish because of the many different teenagers represent a debate towards the older generation. The video will be a dramatic action packed tone, full of passion.


Block 1: Fades into a teenager talking about Abbott's views then editing with other teenagers, going along the same lines.

Block 2: The music intensifies as the dialogue goes more and more in depth. Displays that this is a satire.

Block 3: Ends with the child in a suit, 'Australia, why are you trying to destroy homes for many creatures for stupid reasons? and soon, believe or not, we won't have homes to live in because all the beautiful trees are cut down for No reason. No profit. No gain.'

One young Australian man stands there, says a beginning sentence of Tony Abbott's argument. Then cuts to an Australian woman, saying the agreeing opinion. Then cuts to another teenager, again having the same opinion. Sentence by sentence, many young Australian's say the argument, then ends with the child saying the direct quote above.