Monday 12 October 2015

Promo Video Completed

The 'Auditions for Tony Abbott' promo video is up on youtube! here is the link to the video

Promo Video (Work in progress)

For my promo video, I had to brainstorm a creative original way to provide the message about deforesation in Tasmania. So, I came up with an "audition for Tony Abbott" where this shows the political message and also beats the competition between both political parties. In addition, the video contains mostly direct quotes from the dinner party for the Timber industry (, but not completely so there isn't any copyright.

The video is biased and although Tony Abbott isn't the prime minister for Australia any more, Malcolm Turnball is still reinforcing all of Tony Abbott's values, so I made it a relevant video as a message to Turnball that reinforcing former prime ministers issues are not acceptable for Australia.

I also used the following websites/ programs for my sound effects
- Garage Band

The video will be uploaded shortly today or tomorrow.